Operating Hours:
Monday-Friday 8-4:30
24 Hour Emergency

Pa Contractor # 198089
1019 Magazine Road
Sumneytown, PA 18084

Ductless Home
Whether it’s heating or cooling, Mitsubishi ductless units and installation from G. Hager Inc. can turn any room, zone or your entire home into an oasis of comfort in Montgomery County.

Recognized worldwide as the best
air conditioner on the market.
Energy efficient and dependable
all the way down to -13°F

Finally Get That Entire Row Home Cozy
Row homes can be tricky to heat and cool evenly. But it’s a piece of cake with ductless!

Fix that problem room or addition that never seems to cool or heat as well as the rest of the house.

Free yourself from the constantly noisy, inefficient window boxes that don't do anything very well.

Add contemporary comfort to your older or historic home while preserving its aesthetic charm.
Enjoy Your Sunroom
All Year Long
Use your sunroom every day by adding a ductless mini split.
With the power to keep your family cool in warmest weather, and revolutionary new heat pump technology to warm at temperatures down to -13, let one of the comfort professionals at G. Hager Inc. turn your favorite room into a year round sanctuary.

Compare the "Old-Style" Window Units with Ductless and Discover What You've Been Missing!

Loud and noisy
Say goodbye to that window
Only provides cooling
Traditional energy hogs
Home security risk

Whisper quiet
Don’t give up that window
Cools AND heats
More energy efficient
Not a home security risk

The Perfect Fit for
Homes with History
Owning an historic Montgomery County home is more than just is a source of pride, it comes with genuine responsibility. High Southeastern PA humidity is the insidious culprit and ductless is the answer.
Retain the integrity of your historic home with a ductless heating and cooling solution from G. Hager Inc. and Mitsubishi, the worldwide leader in ductless technology.
Mitsubishi ductless solutions enable you to modernize this critical home operating system and eliminate hot and cold spots for good, all while preserving the historic charm and beauty of the structure, and doing your part, on your watch, to maintain the beauty and comfort of your special home.
Save on Energy Costs with Zoned Temperature Control
Control Your Zones
Airflow through most homes is often blocked by walls, doors and irregular construction angles, frequently making it impossible to condition all the zones in your home with one thermostat.
Maybe you find you spend most of your time in two or three rooms and you want to limit your energy consumption to conditioning just those spaces. Or husband and wife prefer different temperatures.
Mitsubishi’s ductless mini splits enable you to customize your home comfort to condition the air in the rooms the way you want it, when you want it, and the energy savings can be staggering.

The Best Heating and Air Conditioning for
Residential and Commercial Applications

Find out how Mitsubishi ductless can transform your living space.

Learn how ductless can keep any commercial space comfortable.